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Monday, November 4, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Tip - Reduce Your Portion Size

For any person wanting to lose weight, one simple step you can take is to reduce your portion size.

"But it's not that easy!" you're probably saying right now. Yes, it is just that easy.

Portion control is difficult, I know. When you're accustomed to eating large portions, you think you'll never be able to stop. You can stop, though, and here are some tips to help you along the way.

Portion Control Tip: Leave off that second helping. It is way too easy to go for that second helping when you are at home. Especially when you're eating alone, you may think it doesn't really matter---but it does. Say no to second helpings.

Portion Control Tip: Take it to go. When you're eating out, only eat half of your meal. Ask for a "to go" plate. All restaurants are happy to give you a plate to take your remaining food home. Now you can have the leftovers for lunch the next day, plus you've cut your portion in half.

Portion Control Tip: Ask for a half-serving. This is another good tip for when you're dining out. Many times, restaurants serve enormous portions. Ask your waiter for a half-serving of your favorite dish.

Portion Control Tip: Smaller is better. When snacking, even if you go for healthier snack, remember that smaller is better. Pass up the larger bags and go for the mini bags.

Portion Control Tip: Skip the buffet. Buffet bars are notorious for their all you can eat offer. This is a bad situation to put yourself in when you're trying to learn to control your portions. Stay away from buffets altogether until you have established better portion management for yourself.

These portion control tips will help you get a good start to healthy weight loss.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Diet and Weight Loss Plans - How to Choose the Best One

A good diet and weight loss plan should be easy to follow, produce results you can measure in a reasonable period of time and not cause any health problems. It should be sustainable using food that is easy to find and enjoyable to eat. Also, the cost of following the plan should be affordable.

Some diet and weight loss plans provide lots of complicated theories and formulas loaded with confusing information. Each program promotes a specific agenda that most be closely followed and applied. If the material is not easy to follow you probably will not stay with it or use it at all.

Many diet and weight loss programs make huge promises but do not deliver. Nothing is more frustrating than participating for weeks or months and not seeing any results. Some programs sell additional information urging you to try one more thing before giving up.

Health problems are typical with the advice offered from the worst diet and weight loss plans. In an effort to lose weight you may be tempted to ignore common sense and make drastic changes to your diet or force yourself to eat foods you do not like. If you do not enjoy what you eat you probably will not continue with the program.

Cost should also be a consideration before joining any diet and weight loss plan. If special food is required be sure to consider the total cost of following a particular program for any length of time. Also, if it becomes too expensive and you drop out, you may gain any weight you lost back.

A good diet and weight loss plan should be specific and explain the difference between good fat and bad fat. It will tell you that if you eat right you can eat more. It will tell you to try eating foods containing only one ingredient. It will tell you how foods react and cause weight gain.

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Free Online Weight Loss Help - Mirror, Mirror, on the Web! Which is the Fairest Diet Program For Me?

If you're searching for free online weight loss help, but only plug in the words weight loss, Google presents you with 110,600,000 choices, give or take a few million. If you spend one minute on each site, it will take you 210 years, an impressive exercise program in itself, but who really needs to lose weight on their index finger?

Here's one simple, time-saving, search trick many people forget or never learned: When you enter your search words, put them inside quotation marks. Your results will now only include all of these words in that exact order. "Free online weight loss help" in quotes is 9,240; without quotes, gasp, 550,000,000! "Fat loss without exercise" in quotes gives 338 options; without quotes: 14,400,000. "Weight loss by eating chocolate" in quotes lists only four hits, but I don't think they'll help you much. Sorry, but no results are listed for "I want to have a body like Angelina Jolie."

Before you start searching, ask yourself these questions. Focus on what kind of free online weight loss help you're seeking and what exact words to enter in the search boxes.

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