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Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Break Your Weight Loss Complacency and Get the Scale Moving Down

Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your weight? Then you need to break your weight loss complacency and get the scale moving again and this article might just be the spark you need.

The problem for many people who are feeling complacent about weight loss is their own personal past. If you have, for instance, failed at weight loss attempts in the past, then you are likely feeling that dieting and/or exercising is not worth it.

This leads to you sitting in limbo, knowing you must lose weight but feeling powerless to change. I want to give you a couple of simple strategies that will work to peak your interest and get you rolling that ball toward success.

1. Get your mindset looking forward, not back. Research shows that when we focus on the positive future possibilities that we stay motivated longer. If you tend to look at your past and think, "nothing ever worked." then you will stay stuck. Instead start to create mental pictures of things you would like to do and then see yourself doing them in a healthy body.

2. Use a food journal. Boring and tedious, yes I know but what you might not know is that keeping a food journal can double your weight loss - it is what the research has shown so who cares if it is boring...as long as it works!

3. Take action. Any type of action will build on itself so just promise yourself that you will do one small thing everyday that is positive. Try to eat your food mindfully today, then tomorrow go for a walk, then the next day drink 8 glasses of water and keep building, soon you will surprise yourself and find you even like some of the healthy changes.

Time is short and if you need to break your weight loss complacency and get the scale moving again then get your mindset facing forward, start writing down your food choices and take a step today in that positive direction.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Resource

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